
Scrollsaw Wood Fractals

January 10, 2025

While making math-art on a computer screen is fun, sometimes you want an art piece that will hang on a wall.

Genuary 2025

January 01, 2025

2025 will be my second time through all the Genuary prompts, once again challenging myself to come up with an image for each day.

Attractors and Repellers

August 10, 2024

The Attractor and Repeller algorithms described here are similar to Vector Fields, but instead of tracing the trajectory of single points through the field as a set of lines, many points traverse through the field individual pixels are shaded whenever a point lands in the pixel.

Genuary 2024

January 01, 2024

I challenged myself to complete all the prompts for Genuary 2024 (Generative Art January).

Mathematical Artwork in Python - Second Edition

November 05, 2023

A revision to my e-book, Mathematical Artwork in Python, has been released! This edition updated the book and its code to ensure full compatibility with the latest Python version and remain working well under future versions too.

Vector Field Images

September 24, 2023

Vector fields are found in many apsects of physics, but they also form the basis of some great math art.

How do fonts work?

April 10, 2022

Have you ever wondered how your computer can make your text whatever size you want, and still have nice smooth letters? The trick, of course, involves math and algorithms, but it is drawing of shapes that we interpret as letters and numbers instead of the fractal art I usually write about.

How much control do you have in making these fractals?

February 20, 2022

I am often asked how much control I have over my fractal images. If the images are based on algorithms, can you really make it do what you want?

You've heard of the Golden Ratio, but what about the Silver Ratio?

February 13, 2022

Study art, architecture, or design for very long and you’ll run into the Golden Ratio. It is said to have aesthetically-pleasing properties, and is known to be used as long ago as ancient Rome and Greece in the design of buildings. The Golden Ratio has value φ = (1 + √5)/2, but where does that come from?

Orbit Trap Fractals

September 01, 2020

Orbit trap fractals use the same general recurrence function as typical escape-time fractals: z ↦ f(z), calculated over and over.

Liquid Splash Photography

July 13, 2014

High-speed flash photography of liquid splashes. Assisted by Raspberry Pi controller.